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Terms of Reference: Service Provider to develop a short theatre component for an International AIDS Conference Youth Satellite Session

Terms of Reference: Service Provider to develop a short theatre component for an International AIDS Conference Youth Satellite Session


1. Background

In September 2015 the international community committed to ending AIDS by 2030 within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The International AIDS Conference (IAC) organised by the International AIDS Society is one event post the SDG Declaration that brings together key local, regional and global actors in the AIDS response. The aim of the conference is to engage with scientific, social, economic and community based evidence, experience and lessons learned and inform the response going forward. The 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS2016) takes place on 18-22 July 2016 in Durban under the theme “Access, Equity, Rights-Now!”

While across Africa, HIV infection rates have begun to slow, the East and Southern Africa region remains the epicenter of the HIV epidemic, with some 48% of the worlds’ new infections, half of all youth with HIV globally. Adolescents and young people are disproportionately affected and young women between 15 and 24 years account for 31 per cent of all new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa. The highest incidence of HIV is in the 19-24 years olds. They are sexually active; tend to have multiple partners and fall pregnant for the first time. High unsafe abortions and rates of unintended pregnancy (e.g. approximately 10% of all deliveries in South Africa are under 18 years) are proxy indicators of unprotected sex and limited access to information, comprehensive sexuality education and health services.

Adolescents are the only age group where deaths due to AIDS are not decreasing. Although mortality associated with AIDS has reduced in the last 10 years, largely due to scale up of anti-retroviral treatment, AIDS remains the leading cause of mortality among young people in the region where in four countries it is recorded at over 50 per cent. Legal and policy constraints, stigma and discrimination and access to comprehensive sexuality education and services remain challenges.

The role of young people in the response within the drive towards ending AIDS by 2030 is therefore more critical than ever. Therefore, UNFPA and Johnson & Johnson have partnered to sponsor a session run by youth people in the upcoming IAC.

2. The International AIDS Conference Youth Satellite Session

This is a session that is intended to be led by young people and bring together young people representing youth networks from both South Africa and the East and Southern Africa Region. Although young people will lead the preparation and delivery of the session, global and regional leaders will be invited to attend the session and have an opportunity to interact with young people to promote the value of intergenerational exchange between older and younger populations of people involved in the global response to HIV.

Session Goal: To create a platform for young people to engage within the context of the conference and meaningfully participate in the conference programme with the intention of catalyzing local, regional and global action to end AIDS and promote sexual and reproductive health , with special attention to young people.

Session objective: Building on the momentum from the youth pre-conference (16-17 July 2016), the session will provide a platform to showcase leadership and achievements of young people in the AIDS response and SRHR, facilitate networking opportunities, and engage participants in dialogue about future actions to enhance participation of young people in the response to ending AIDS.

Expected outcome: At the end of the session the following will be achieved:

a) Position of young people on their role in ending AIDS by 2030 defined and articulated

b) Concrete actions to enhance meaningful participation of young people in ending AIDS by key role players defined

c) Declaration on an Africa Youth Free of HIV

d) Key commitments from regional and global leaders outlined

In preparation for the IAC youth satellite session a planning workshop was held on the 1st of April 2016 aimed at planning for young people’s leadership and involvement in a 120-minute satellite session; titled- “young people’s leadership in ending AIDS and achieving universal sexual and reproductive health by 2030”.

During the planning meeting, young people identified several issues to be addressed during the satellite session and these were categorized into the following 2 key themes:

Theme 1: Access to youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services, access to SRH information including addressing comprehensive sexuality education in the school curriculum.

Theme 2: Scale up of community based interventions for young people to promote HIV counselling and testing, address stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS.

The session will utilize various engagement methods to highlight the key issues identified within the themes, among which will be a short piece of theatre (play); personal testimonies, and a panel discussion to generate dialogue. It is against this backdrop that UNFPA in partnership with Johnson &Johnson is seeking for a service provider to work with 10 young people to develop the short 20 minutes theatre component of the satellite session.

3. Scope of Work

Working directly with selected young people to produce and direct a 20 minutes play based on the above mentioned themes:

a) Discuss and agree on critical issues to be addressed through the theatre component.

b) Create and direct the theatre component.

c) Participate in the session preparatory meeting on the 19-20 May 2016 in Pretoria.

d) Be available for a follow- up rehearsal meeting in June 2016 to be held in Pretoria.

4. Expected Deliverables

The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:

1. Write up of the 20 minutes theatre component in line with the themes mentioned above.

2. A script to be acted by young people.

3. A 20 minute play to be delivered during the youth satellite session.

5. Methodology In response to the TORs, the service provider will submit a proposal which will include a suitable methodology and timelines for undertaking this assignment.

6. Assignment duration and management arrangements The assignment will not span more than 10 working days from 19th of May 2016. The service provider will be contracted by UNFPA but will work closely with young people and Johnson & Johnson.

7. Service provider eligibility

The eligible service provider will;

I. Be a team/ person with relevant experience in using arts and theatre to engage and inspire people to address critical health issues.

II. Have a proven record in script writing and short theatre production.

III. Ability to work with adolescents and youth and understand their HIV, health and development challenges. 

8. Reporting The consultant will be directly accountable to the UNFPA and liaise regularly with Johnson &Johnson.

9. Proposal evaluation criteria

Criteria Weight Technical approach, methodology and level of understanding of the objectives and scope of the assignment 50% Profile of the institution/company/individual with a focus on professional experience of relevance to the assignment 40% Demonstrated understanding of SRHR and HIV prevention issues affecting young people in line with the key themes of the session. 20%

10. Cost of technical assistance and payment modalities

A work plan with detailed and itemised budget should form part of the proposal. Proposals submitted without a detailed budget will not be considered. The maximum budget allocated for this assignment is ZAR 50,000. However the most competitive proposal which will be satisfying the requirement of UNFPA will be selected and awarded the contract. The proposal evaluation and the contract award will be undertaken according to UNFPA regulations. 

Payment for services rendered shall be effected in tranches agreed upon between UNFPA and the successful service provider.

11. Proposal requirements

Interested services providers are invited to submit proposals to provide the above mentioned services. The proposal should focus on addressing the consultant’s ability to provide the services outlined in the Scope of Work. Please specifically include the following:

a. Cover letter

b. Detailed CV(s) indicating relevant experience

c. A proposal indicating a description of the proposed approach to the scope of work, work plan with timelines and detailed budget (inclusive of VAT)

d. Sample(s) of recent work of a similar assignment.

Interested applicants are requested to submit the following to zaf.admin@unfpa.org by close of business 15 May 2016.