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Terms of Reference: Provision of dignity kits in KwaZulu Natal

Terms of Reference: Provision of dignity kits in KwaZulu Natal


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KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) was affected by a series of inclement weather that caused damages to households in different parts of the province, resulting in displacements and increased
vulnerabilities for families - and especially children, adolescents, young people and women.

The unprecedented disruptions in the environment caused by the floods has led to communities suffering a lack of basic needs and disruption to their daily routines. Although a number of districts in KZN have been affected by the floods. Ethekweni has experienced the worst of this impact. An estimated 8000 people are currently being housed in make shift shelters throughout Ethekweni. The United Nations Population Fund is mandated to ensure universal access to SRHR, HIV and GBV information and services. In line with its mandate UNFPA seeks the services of an organisation to provide SRH, HIV and GBV related information and referral to services to women and young people in the high volume shelters in Ethekweni. This support is a partnership initiative with the KZN Department of Social Development, the KZN Office of the Premier and the Ethekweni Metro.